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Anonymous Opinions 1 Onward

Onward- Anonymous opinions 1

Hello its Lindy and we are talking about a new movie that came out this year, this movie was released march 6 2020. Onward was produced my Pixar Disney’s companion in movie making. Pixar is known best for toy 1 2 3 and most recently toy story 4. Let us dive in to the complex plot of Onward.

Plot- the plot fellows Ian and his brother barley, when Ian was only a baby and Barley was six or so there father passed away. On Ian’s 16th birthday his mom gives him a package that his father wanted to give them once they were both over 16 years old. Inside is a magical wand and a spell their father wrote, the spell can bring him back to life for one day. When Ian says the spell, its seems to work, but when Barley and Ian look closer they see that he has no top half! He is just waist legs and feet. This story is a story of forgiveness and pure love as they try to see their entire father for just 5 minutes!

Feels- this movie is a emotional roller coaster, you’re sad, you’re happy, you’re laughing, you’re in shock!

Details- this movie is one hour and 42 minutes.
It has a 87% on rotten tomatoes, a 7.7/10 on IMDb and a 61% on meteoric.
It is a Drama/fantasy animation, but unlike most Disney films not a musical.

Personal review- In my opinion this movie is defiantly a movie I will watch again and again, it is one of my favorite Pixar films I love how it appeals for lots of reasons to many age groups, and I loved the animation and creativity behind this film. I give it a 9.2/ 10   
-         Anonymous opinions


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