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                               Petatonix good or GREAT

Hi its me,so PANTATONIX . (PTX for short) What do you think OK,Good or GREAT 

    If you don't know who PTX is they are an Acappela group.They all met in Arlington Texas and began there YouTube/music career in the group there are 5 vocalists 

Scott Hoying: vocalist 
Mitch Grassi: vocalist 
Kristen Maldonado: vocalist 
Kevin Olusola; vocalist,Beat boxer and Cello player
               Least but not last the newest member (joined 2017)   
Matt Sallee: vocalist,and Beat boxer 

They do covers of well known songs like Havana and Cheerleader .This group RARELY uses any instrument. They use there voice as the background. My favorite song by them is Come Along and Na Na Na.     
                        So that"s it for my first VERY SHORT blog See ya next time Bye 


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